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Pastor's Ponderings: Bible Study on Paul’s letter to the Galatians 3:23-29 (February 4, 2025)

Writer's picture: Rev. Kim TaylorRev. Kim Taylor

February 4, 2025:  Tuesday Bible Study on Paul’s letter to the Galatians 3:23-29

Good morning, dear friends in Christ. May the Love of Christ sustain and keep us all in the days ahead, both the good ones, and the difficult ones.

Yesterday I reminded you about all of the activities around the congregation's 75th anniversary. This Sunday we continue our journey through the Sundays after Epiphany. The nativity scene remains on our altar, and now the wise men and their camels have arrived to bring their gifts in celebration of the new king. We also have kept the variety of angels which came from members of the congregation to adorn the chancel with their variety, and reminder that the hosts of heaven also celebrated Christ's birth, and our Moravian Star continues to shine over the altar until we reach the season of Lent in March.  The Moravian Star in our living room has been a light for our home 24/7 for the last four years.

In our passage for today Paul continues to speak to the reader of his letter about the nature of the law in the face of faith and grace, the very Spirit-led belief of Abraham, and our LORD'S desire to have His children trust in His promises. However, the law of Moses, presented to him on Sinai for the people as they journeyed in the wilderness remains a real factor for the new Jewish Christians in the Galatian church, and some interloper(s) who wanted the law to be the canon (measure) by which gentile converts must join, including circumcision.  Paul names the Law a babysitter for the Jewish people during the time between Abraham and the coming of God's Son, Jesus Christ. However, once again, Paul does not believe that the Law's measure, kept by any person, because of the nature of sin, is adequate for becoming righteous before God. There are two covenants between God and His children. 1. I will be your God, and you will be my people, if you are obedient to the law. This is the Old Testament covenant (agreement). 2.  The New Covenant (New Testament) is, I will be your God, and you will be my people if you are obedient to my law. They are the same except for the addition of the coming of the Messiah who fulfills the law for all who believe in Him. Now, Faith alone, Scripture alone, and Grace alone through Jesus Christ fulfills our part of the agreement between God and His children. We work to live lives of thanksgiving, which show compassion and love for all people, being the conveyors of peace and understanding, while forgiving others as we have been forgiven through Christ. Look at the Lord's Prayer for any further info that you need. Now why do the people of Israel need a babysitter? It is because between Abraham and the Messiah, the Hebrews (Jews) are really infants in the faith who need the guidance of the law and prophets in order to maintain their relationship with God. They become mature in their relationship with God when they come to accept in faith the Messiah of the LORD, and they are Baptized in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is where the transition to maturity is completed, once again, all by God's action on their behalf. Now, in the face of the unity, which is accomplished, the promise of Abraham's one family is fulfilled through faith in Jesus Christ.

Thanks for welcoming me into your life today, or whenever you happen to read this part of our study. Today I am praying especially for Richard and Gary who are living on the streets of our city. Please hold them in your heart.

In Christ's love, Pastor Kim

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